Sunday, October 11, 2009



就因为别人把我吹捧得天上有地下无的聪明,我就必须每每把别人说“不会”的事扛在身上。我受够了。人, 是会感到疲惫的。没有人应当为谁付出。但是,当我辛苦地把每件别人不肯扛的事扛在身上时,每个人竟把这当成了理所当然的事。



Wednesday, October 7, 2009





Sunday, October 4, 2009

let it go~~make things to be easy

recently, the life here is packed. sometimes i just wonder when is my sleeping time. anyway, i still chat wit my fren bout the relationship here.

i have nothing to say. i always tel ppl i m not like a girl. i m another way of guy. haha...
actually i know i m not attractive at all, rude, n not beautiful at all. my fren say, no ugly girl in tis worl but lazy girls~~~

yes, i admit that i m truly lazy, nothing to do on it. the most important thing is, i didnt put effort to change myself. may be after i change my behaviour i will be more shining than now, bu who cares?

a guy say i m really niot like a girl, just a guy soul wearing the mask of girl. hahaha~~it's true!
i always tel my fren, guys in my heart is nothing. i think they r not reliable at all, i didnt trust anyone, cz they disappointed me much in many thing. i rather depends on myself than the guys.

anyway, i know that the life with love is important to the girls. as my mom say, i can just do nothign but stay alone if i continue like tis. yes, may be it will be happen, but at least now i m happy, n no target to be loved o to love someone.

my life is simple, be amile, be happy. n everything just" let it go"~~, just like my couple, i dun know where n when my mr. right will come, but i just wanna let it go now. to be natural, do anything i like here, n so, the rest is others opinion.